The Intracoastal Waterway: Norfolk to Miami, A Cockpit Cruising HandbookThe only one-volume guide to traversing the entire protected East Coast waterway, The Intracoastal Waterway, Norfolk to Miami: A Cockpit Cruising Handbook is updated to reflect changes in channels and shoreside facilities. Offering unique, mile-by-mile descriptions and accurate navigation advice, th...$15.95$19.95
48 channel Marine GPS Receiver Evermore SA-920 with Sirf Star 4 Chip with RS-232 Interface for Icom IC-M411 IC-M603 IC-M505 IC-M801E IC-M421 DS100 IC-401 IC-M603 IC-M801 IC-M323 IC-M423 M423G IC-M412…* for Boat Ship with Sirf IV Chip - high sensibility -163dBmMarine GPS Receiver SA-920 with Sirfstar 4 Chip: High End GPS Receiver for Boat, Ship . *This Receiver is offered for: ICOM IC-M411 IC-M603 IC-M505 IC-M801E IC-M421, DS100, IC-401, IC-M603, IC-M801 IC-M323 IC-M423 IC-M423G IC-M412 - Use green and shield cables for DATA in and out The receiver comes...$140.00$140.00
Cooking for TwoJames Barber is back with a lively reprint of his popular Cooking for Two--"Cooking, like sex and dancing, is a pleasure best shared. This is a book about what two people can do with their own four hands, and not a lot of time."Barber's saucy style and matchless gusto have made him a favourite of co...$5.00$21.95
PERFORMANCE SPARK PLUG Sea-Doo GTX 215 2011-2008 * 145uBR12ZC145weONE PIECE PERFORMANCE PLUG. If you need utmost ignition performance & spark voltage at unparalleled levels don't miss the chance to purchase our racing plugs. Misfires are now controlled & racing plugs will allow you to have steadily high levels of improved acceleration & throttle response. Due to B...$17.98$17.98