Magical Flames: Creates Vibrant, Colorful Flames for Wood Burning Fires! (12)Magical Flames are the perfect accessory for any wood burning fire! Simply toss an unopened packet or two on the fire and enjoy hours of rainbow flames! Entertaining for all ages. Don't forget to bring them camping or to the beach for a bonfire! A must have for all outdoor activities, especially for...$7.99$7.99
Evergreen Research Magical Flames: Creates Vibrant, Colorful Flames for Wood Burning Fires! (2)Magical Flames are the perfect accessory for any wood burning fire! Simply toss an unopened packet or two on the fire and enjoy hours of rainbow flames! Don't forget to bring them camping or to the beach for a bonfire! A must have for all outdoor activities, especially for those warm summer nights!...$5.95$5.95