Kasco Horizontal Float 213001 (De-Icer Not Included)Kasco Horizontal Float Assembly 213001. Perfect mounting option for all Kasco de-icing units. Works great where no dock or boat is available to mount the unit to, as well as shallow water operations and in areas where large tidal fluctuations occur.$234.99$238.50
Lost Antarctica: Adventures in a Disappearing Land (MacSci)Few of us will ever get to Antarctica. The bitter cold and three months a year without sunlight makes the sixth continent virtually uninhabitable for humans. Yet marine biologist James B. McClintock has spent three decades studying the frozen land in order to understand better the world that lies be...$11.93$18.99
Piero Lorenzo 7423-6 7/16-Inch by 4-3/4-Inch 540-Pound Stainless Steel Quick LinkWithout cutting or welding, join two chains with the Lehigh 7423-6 7/16-Inch by 4/3/4-Inch 540-Pound Stainless Steel Quick Link. Attaches quickly to chains and eyes without tools, and supports up to 540-pounds; this durable connector is ideal for temporary and permanent applications. In rain, sleet...$9.78$9.78
Sportsman's Best: Redfish Book and DVD ComboBook & DVD combo. Red drum or redfish, whatever you call them, just make sure you've tied a strong knot if you're going to tangle with one. Fishing for a 20-pound fish, tail in the air, water too shallow to conceal them- it must be a red.$20.50
High Performance SailingBased on 25 years of research and Olympic coaching, High Performance Sailing reinvents the strategies of sailboat racing. It presents revolutionary explanations of wind prediction and boat design, a fundamental rethinking of how to sail a boat fast--literally faster than the wind. Bethwaite's theori...$72.49$34.95
Livingston Lures 0325 DM 14 Real Shad Fishing Terminal Tackle, MulticolorThe Dive master DM14 reaches depths of 8 to 14 feet, ideal for targeting shallow- to mid-depth structure. With illumination in the eyes, this wide wobble crankbait is designed to come through cover without hanging up.$7.99$7.99
Corps Strength: A Marine Master Gunnery Sergeant's Program for Elite FitnessRenowned for its rigorous fitness training, the Marine Corps requires every member to be physically fit, regardless of age, grade, gender or duty assignment. Utilizing the experience gained from training and observing Marines for over 28 years, Master Gunny Roarke developed Corps Strength. A compreh...$6.00$15.95
Sportsman's Best: Trout Book & DVD ComboIf you're still trying to catch a true gator trout (over seven pounds), or just wanting to fill a weekend with fish-catching fun, Sportsman's Best: Trout is the book and DVD set for you. Author Terry Gibson and fellow editors from Shallow Water Angler and Florida Sportsman magazines worked together...$11.99$21.95
Lehigh 7035C-6 1/2-Inch 3,000-Pound Quick Link, Zinc PlatedWithout cutting or welding, join two chains with the Lehigh 7035C-6 ½-Inch 3,000-Pound Zinc Plated Quick Link. Attaches quickly to chains and eyes without tools, and supports up to 3,000-pounds; this durable connector is ideal for temporary and permanent applications. In rain, sleet or adverse clima...$4.49$4.80
Lehigh 7441-12 1/4-Inch by 2-1/4-Inch 1,200-Pound Stainless Steel Quick LinkWithout cutting or welding, join two chains with the Lehigh 7441-12 1/4-Inch by 2-1/4-Inch 1,200-Pound Stainless Steel Quick Link. Attaches quickly to chains and eyes without tools, and support up to 1,200-pounds; this durable connector is ideal for temporary and permanent applications. In rain, sle...$9.82$9.82
MarCum LX-5i Sonar Flasher System, Red/BlackEnhanced with updated design featuring a larger display, increased viewing angles with reduced snow buildup, the most advanced flasher-sonar ever built offers dazzlingly bright and crisp color images-bottom, vegetation, fish, baitfish, your lure, all displayed with the highest resolution available i...$1080.99$499.99
Look and Find: Phineas and FerbLook and Find: Phineas and Ferb presents eight vividly illustrated scenes that enable children to join the popular characters from the Disney Channel show on their latest adventures in Danville and beyond. Children search the colorful, action-packed scenes for dozens of hidden objects and characters...$8.00$7.98