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  • ZJchao Super Bright LED Dental Mirror Shiny Handle + 6pcs Oral Mirrors
    ZJchao Super Bright LED Dental Mirror Shiny Handle + 6pcs Oral Mirrors
    Length: 154mm Anti-fog mirror diameter: 22mm Light: 6000MCD LED light Power: 1 x AAA sized battery
  • Sale Weather for the Mariner, 3rd Edition
    Weather for the Mariner, 3rd Edition
    This mariner's guide to the weather provides information on weather warnings and fronts, the Beaufort Scale, cloud formations, fog, storms, wind, waves and swells, barometer use, and simple forecasting methods in one easy-to-read volume. It also offers an entire chapter on acid rain and its effects...
  • Sale Weather of the San Francisco Bay Region (California Natural History Guides, No. 63)
    Weather of the San Francisco Bay Region (California Natural History Guides, No. 63)
    Possibly no comparable area on earth displays as many varieties of weather simultaneously as the San Francisco Bay Region. Harold Gilliam explains the atmospheric forces and geologic formations that come together in this region's unique confluence of wind, river, ocean, bay, and hills. The fully rev...
  • Sale Radar - Made Simple for Cruisers: Handbook for Starting the Dream
    Radar - Made Simple for Cruisers: Handbook for Starting the Dream
    "Radar Made Simple for Cruisers" 2nd Edition continues enhancing basic radar operation and adds radar interference and a some new trick for single handing cruisers. The original focus on how a cruiser, or especially a single handing cruiser, might best use their radar to remain safe and sane remains...
  • Sale Raymarine RD424HD 4kw 24" HD Digital Radome (no cable)
    Raymarine RD424HD 4kw 24" HD Digital Radome (no cable)
    Raymarine's new HD Digital radome scanners combine the power and clarity ofHD Digital signal processing with an ultra-compact scanner suitable for alltypes of vessels. Compatible with C-Series Widescreen, E-Series Widescreenand G-Series Multifunction displays these radomes offer a 256-color radardis...
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