Wangdd22 UNO Proto Shield Prototype Expansion Board with SYB-170 Mini Breadboard Based for ARDUINO UNO ProtoShieldDuemilanove used in conjunction with ProtoShieldprototype extension boards, used to build the circuit prototypes directly on the board welding components, mini bread plate above can also be connected to the circuit.Sided adhesive connection between the bread board and the board, bread board and the...$7.99$7.99
SunFounder 5 pcs Ultrasonic Module HC-SR04 Distance Sensor for Arduino UNO MEGA R3 Mega2560 Duemilanove Nano Robot Rapsberry Pi 3 B+, 2 & RPi Model B+ XBee ZigBeeIntroduction The SunFounder HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Ranging module includes an ultrasonic transmitter, receiver and circuits. It has 4 pins: VCC, TRIG, ECHO and GND. The anti-reverse pin header onside makes it easy to connect and apply. As for the ranging principle, it is quite simple to understand: pull...$9.78$10.99
L298N H-bridge Motor Controller, DROK L298N Motor Driver Board DC Dual H Bridge Robot Stepper Motor Regulator and Drives Module for Arduino Smart Car Power UNO MEGA R3 Mega2560 DuemilanoveParameter: Chip: L298N Logic voltage: 5V Logic current 0mA-36mA Storage Temperature: -20 ℃ to ℃ to +135 Operating mode: H-bridge driver (dual) Drive voltage: 5V-35V Drive current: 2A (MAX single bridge) Maximum power: 25W Dimensions: 43x43x27mm Product features: 1.L298N as main driver c...$7.01$7.01
Qunqi L293D Motor Drive Shield for Arduino Duemilanove Mega UNO R3 AVR ATMELSpecification: 1.Up to 4 bi-directional DC motors with individual 8-bit speed selection. 2.Up to 2 stepper motors (unipolar or bipolar) with single coil, double coil or interleaved stepping. 3.4 H-Bridges: per bridge provides 0.6A (1.2A peak current) with thermal protection, can run motors on 4.5...$7.59$37.99