Robot Programmer's BonanzaPublisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.The first hands-on programming guide for today's robot hobbyistGet ready to reach into your programming toolbox...$23.87$34.00
Robotbasic Projects For Beginners: Learn To Program Through An Exploration Of Computer Graphics, Robotics, Simulation, And Animation.If you want to learn how to program, this is the book for you. Most texts on programming offer dry, boring examples that are difficult to follow. In this book, a wide variety of interesting and relevant subjects are explored using a problem-solving methodology that develops logical thinking skills w...$12.73$12.95
Hardware Interfacing with RobotBASICThis book concentrates on how RobotBASIC programs can interface with a wide variety of off-the-shelf hardware. Many options will be explored including both serial and parallel ports and how a separate microcontroller can be used to handle the low-level I/O operations. You will even see how vision, s...$12.73$12.95
Cruising - Starting from Scratch: Hand Book for Starting the DreamThe 3rd Edition of "Cruising Starting from Scratch" has been updated with 2015 cruising tools. The book has helped many couples get ready for retirement when they decide to live the dream and cruise on a boat."Cruising - Starting from Scratch" covers the basics information needed in the Made Simple...$31.84$34.50