Surveying Yachts and Small CraftThis is the only book linked to a practical surveying course. Highly practical in nature, and packed with detailed close-up photography, step by step procedures, and helpful checklists, this definitive handbook will prove a godsend to small craft owners who want to check out defects on their own boa...$23.98$39.95
Handbook of Marine SurveyingThis expanded and updated edition of Thomas Ask’s Handbook of Marine Surveying will be welcomed by students of marine surveying, professional marine surveyors, boatyard operators and technically-minded boat owners. It covers the latest surveying technology, including an analysis of the mechanical be...$36.73$49.50
Waterway Guide Chesapeake Bay 2015 (Dozier's Waterway Guide)Updated annually, the Waterway Guide Chesapeake Bay 2015 edition is the indispensable cruising companion for boaters exploring the Chesapeake Bay, the Delaware Bay and the Delmarva Atlantic coast from Cape May to Norfolk. The guide features mile-by-mile navigation information, aerial photography wit...$175.00$39.95
The Billfish Story: Swordfish, Sailfish, Marlin, and Other Gladiators of the Sea (Wormsloe Foundation Nature Book Ser.)The saga of a unique group of fish and those who have formed bonds with them: anglers, biologists, charter-boat captains, and conservationists. Ulanski brings a rich background to the subject in a multifaceted approach that will enrich not only readers’ appreciation of billfish but the whole of the...$79.93$26.95
Safe Skipper: A practical guide to managing risk at seaWhether out for an afternoon's sail or embarking on a long offshore passage, there is always an element of chance and uncertainty about being at sea. To be responsible for the well-being of both crew and vessel, good skippers need to know their limitations and ensure they are operating well within t...$14.85$25.00
Tricks of the TradesBruce Van Sant writes the popular guide The Gentleman’s Guide to Passages South which many cruising sailors call their "Bible" for traveling through the islands of the trade winds to South America. It has advice that BlueWater Sailing calls "priceless". In Tricks of the Trades, Van Sant widens the s...$98.56$14.95
Exploring the Chesapeake in Small BoatsTantalizing descriptions of the bay's intricate waterways--word pictures of how they are transformed over the four seasons of the year--and an informative discussion of the bay's geology, ecology, and human history will entice the reader to get out and poke around in and on the water. Author John Pa...$6.98$12.95
Wave WiFi Rogue Wave Ultra Small WiFi Access SystemRogue Wave Ethernet Converter/BridgeThe Rogue Wave by Wave WiFi is a ultra-small, compact Wireless Bridge and Ethernet Converter with an incredible 800mW output power. Like all Wave WiFi products, the Rogue Wave is an Ethernet Converter (EC), so a direct connection can be made to any other Ethernet...$287.57$287.57
48 channel - high sensibility -163dBm Marine GPS Receiver Evermore SA-920 with Sirf Star 4 Chip: High End Receiver for Boat Ship - usable w Plotter, Radio, Fishfinder.. over RS-232 Interface. Antenna aerial for precise Marine Navigation with Sirf IV ChipMarine GPS Receiver SA-920 with Sirfstar 4 Chip: High End GPS Receiver for Boat, Ship - Usable with Plotter, Radio, Fishfinder, etc over RS-232 Interface*. . Overview: Output Lat/Lon, Time, Speed, Course & Satellite Data in standard NMEA protocol and at RS232 level which can be linked directly to ma...$140.00$140.00
Atlantic Cruising Club's Guide to Florida's West Coast Marinas - Book with bound-in DVDEverglades City to Pensacola Including the GIWW, Caloosahatchee River, Okeechobee Waterway, Tampa Bay and the Panhandle Boater-biased, independent, full-page reviews with ratings and rates for 161 marinas that welcome visiting boats. Every facility has been personally reviewed, often several times,...$34.95$34.95
Raymarine RD424HD 4kw 24" HD Digital Radome (no cable)Raymarine's new HD Digital radome scanners combine the power and clarity ofHD Digital signal processing with an ultra-compact scanner suitable for alltypes of vessels. Compatible with C-Series Widescreen, E-Series Widescreenand G-Series Multifunction displays these radomes offer a 256-color radardis...See At Checkout$2449.99
48 channel Marine GPS Receiver Evermore SA-920 with Sirf Star 4 Chip with RS-232 Interface for Icom IC-M411 IC-M603 IC-M505 IC-M801E IC-M421 DS100 IC-401 IC-M603 IC-M801 IC-M323 IC-M423 M423G IC-M412…* for Boat Ship with Sirf IV Chip - high sensibility -163dBmMarine GPS Receiver SA-920 with Sirfstar 4 Chip: High End GPS Receiver for Boat, Ship . *This Receiver is offered for: ICOM IC-M411 IC-M603 IC-M505 IC-M801E IC-M421, DS100, IC-401, IC-M603, IC-M801 IC-M323 IC-M423 IC-M423G IC-M412 - Use green and shield cables for DATA in and out The receiver comes...$140.00$140.00