48 Channel Marine GPS USB Receiver Evermore SA-920 with SIRF Star 4 Chip for Boat, Ship - Connect it to PC, Laptop, Desktop, Notebook to receive standard NMEA Data over USB to navigate - Antenna aerial Receiver for precise Marine Navigation - highest Sensibility: -163dBmSA-920 SIRF IV USB Marine GPS Receiver. Evermore GPS Satelitte Receiver for Marine, Boat - Connect it to Pboard PC; Laptop, Desktop, Notebook to receive standard NMEA Data over USB to navigate - Marine GPS Receiver SA-920: High End GPS Receiver for Boat, Ship - Usable with Plotter, Radio, Fishfinder...$120.00$120.00
Jabsco 58240-1012 Marine Marine Deluxe Flush Straight Back Electric Toilet with Intake Pump (12-Volt, 25-Amp)Jabsco deluxe flush electric toilet - Sea or River water flush model, 12 Volt DC, 17 inch$979.56$979.56
48 channel - high sensibility -163dBm Marine GPS Receiver Evermore SA-920 with Sirf Star 4 Chip: High End Receiver for Boat Ship - usable w Plotter, Radio, Fishfinder.. over RS-232 Interface. Antenna aerial for precise Marine Navigation with Sirf IV ChipMarine GPS Receiver SA-920 with Sirfstar 4 Chip: High End GPS Receiver for Boat, Ship - Usable with Plotter, Radio, Fishfinder, etc over RS-232 Interface*. . Overview: Output Lat/Lon, Time, Speed, Course & Satellite Data in standard NMEA protocol and at RS232 level which can be linked directly to ma...$140.00$140.00
48 channel Marine GPS Receiver Evermore SA-920 with Sirf Star 4 Chip with RS-232 Interface for Icom IC-M411 IC-M603 IC-M505 IC-M801E IC-M421 DS100 IC-401 IC-M603 IC-M801 IC-M323 IC-M423 M423G IC-M412…* for Boat Ship with Sirf IV Chip - high sensibility -163dBmMarine GPS Receiver SA-920 with Sirfstar 4 Chip: High End GPS Receiver for Boat, Ship . *This Receiver is offered for: ICOM IC-M411 IC-M603 IC-M505 IC-M801E IC-M421, DS100, IC-401, IC-M603, IC-M801 IC-M323 IC-M423 IC-M423G IC-M412 - Use green and shield cables for DATA in and out The receiver comes...$140.00$140.00