Coiled Designs for Gourd Art
Old price : $14.99
Schiffer Pub Ltd Part#: illustrations 884337888452 - Coiled Designs for Gourd Art
Coiling is a basketry technique used as decoration in gourd art. Step-by-step coiling techniques, as well as pattern designs, help gourd enthusiasts use coiled waxed linen and colored thread to enhance their work. 196 color photos show how to trim a gourd bowl or vase and use the coiled threads to add color to your favorite gourds. A special chart will help crafters design their own coiling patterns. Beginners and advanced workers with gourds will be inspired by this book.UPCs:
- 884337888452
- 9780764330117
- Manufacturer: Schiffer Pub Ltd
- Part Number: illustrations